Lauri Koobas


I run monthly data community events in Tallinn. Feel free to connect or follow me on LinkedIn – that’s the best way to get notified of another one.

Feel free to connect or follow me – that’s the best way to get notified of another upcoming event.

Mon, 12 Feb , All Day
We learned about hiring and recruitment for data roles. Recap with pictures here.
Thu, 15 Feb , All Day
I was a guest at the Algorütm podcast, talking about the peculiar type of communication that is job ads. Watch…
Fri, 16 Feb , All Day
Vladimir Mikhnovich invited me to give a guest lecture on business analytics and data usage to his MBA students. The…
Tue, 12 Mar , All Day
IT-leaders Club invited me to talk about my experience consolidating data tools and helping teams onboard to the new platform.…
Thu, 18 Apr 00:00
I was invited to present at Bolt's bi-annual gathering of data professionals. My topic touched on a framework for continuous…
Tue, 07 May 00:00
Data@Hiiu is a live event at Hiiu Pub in Tallinn. I'm Lauri, and I interview fascinating people who work with…
Wed, 15 May 00:00
Data@Hiiu is a live event at Hiiu Pub in Tallinn. I'm Lauri, and I interview fascinating people who work with…

Everyone makes decisions, and everyone has data. The ones who are better informed will win.

I help people understand how to use data. I’ve done all the data roles and it’s painful, inefficient, and leads to turnover. There is a better way, to build a real product-engineering-data organization.

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